Common Questions

Gunnite is a dry concrete application where the concrete base (Portland cement, sand, aggregate, etc.) are mixed with water at the nozzle; Shotcrete is a process where concrete is pumped and sprayed into the excavation to create the shell. The deciding factor is primarily the pool design and the location distance from the nearest ready-mix plant.

A pool build, for a moderate design (for example, 20” x 30”, with a shallow sundeck and an integrated spa, inground, with 600SF of concrete deck would likely take about 60-75 days. There are many variables, the primary being weather. With very limited rain, the project will move very fast…but with the torrential rains that our coastal area is occasionally blessed with, building outdoors can be challenging.

Pineapple Fountain, Pool & Spa is a newly opened company. For several years, I (Andy Stephens) worked for builders
in Charleston, and built and remodeled approximately 20 fountains, more than 50 commercial swimming pools (for
hotels, apartments, HOAs, and resorts), and was part of the construction of over 100 residential pools. During that
time, I managed the projects, but also was very “hands-on” for most every aspect of each project. Plus, about 20 years
in the environmental field. Rest assured, your project will be well-managed and built with the very best quality and

Get In Touch

Phone: (843) 696-7866
Email: andy@pineapplefps.com
Pineapple Fountain, Pool & Spa is a SC licensed swimming pool contractor, insured, and thrilled to help you build your new favorite place.